Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Barcelona to Malaga suggestions


Hi there, at the end of july, me and my girlfriend will land in Barcelona, rent a car and be on the road heading to Malaga for a whole week. (We are meeting family in Malaga after that).

We are looking for recommandations on stuff to see/do during that week. We like day hikes, visiting cute and not too crowded towns, animals, kayaking/SUP, good food, breweries.

Only things we have on the list is hiking Sierra Nevada (still don't know exactly where) and visiting Granada, which seems like a no-brainer, even though it is a big city.

We haven't bought our tickets yet so we're not closed on the idea of just landing in Malaga and visit around there it if it turns out that there's more to do in this area

Thanks a lot! :)

submitted by /u/AMNESIKx
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