Monday, April 30, 2012

Top Of The World! One Trade Center Crowned The Tallest In NYC

One World Trade is back and sitting on top of the world. Today it will be crowned the tallest building in the city and stand alone on NYC’s famous skyline. Construction on One Trade Center, aka the Freedom Tower, began six years ago and it stands on the site of the original World Trade Center Twin Towers that were the tallest buildings in the city before they were destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Workers will today erect the building's steel columns that will officially make...

Angry Birds Space: 50 million downloads in 35 days

According to Rovio, the game's developer, Angry Birds Space is its "fastest-growing mobile game" ever released, beating records set by other Angry Birds titles. Rovio's success with the Angry Birds franchise continues to impress. The development firm announced today that Angry Birds Space, which is currently sitting atop Apple's App Store, has hit 50 million downloads in just 35 days of availability. According to Rovio, the feat has made the game the "fastest-growing mobile game" ever released,...

Schoolchildren On Free School Meals More Likely To Abuse Alcohol Or Drugs

Although the short and long-term health risks of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug use is well known, they still remain a public health concern in the UK amongst young people, with risks ranging from accidental injuries, to violence, sexual ill-health and elevated rates of chronic conditions as well as premature death. Regardless of directing various policies at reducing substance use amongst children in the UK, the number of those who take substances is still considerable. For instance, in 2009...

Push Button to Add Drama

For the launch of the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium a button was placed on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town near a sign with the text "Push to add drama" that invited people to use the button. Then they waited.....

Apple and Samsung to discuss putting an end to lawsuits

Tech giants' chief executives to talk about ending their bitter litigation over smartphones and tablets Apple chief executive Tim Cook will meet his opposite number at Samsung, Gee-Sung Choi, to discuss ending their bitter litigation over smartphones and tablets, which has become a globe-spanning war taking in 50 lawsuits in 10 countries. But the summit, on 21 May, is not the result of an olive branch held out by either side. Instead, it is part of court-ordered settlement talks in the US, to...

Selling Ceuta & Melilla

Selling Ceuta and Melilla, an article recently published in a spanish newspaper “Galicia confidencial” by the spanish journalist Horacio Vixandge in which he suggests to sell Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco claiming that Spain is in desperate need for money to overcome its social and economic problems and such a deal can be the way out. Ceuta and Melilla came under Spanish control some 500 years ago, and even after Morocco’s independence they remained as Spanish enclaves and Madrid claims they are...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The baby who swam back to life: Extraordinary recovery of heart surgery toddler who's a natural in the pool

After Rosanna Ogden had open heart surgery at only six weeks old, her parents were told that physical activity could help her recovery. It was then they discovered they had a water baby on their hands. Only ten weeks after the operation, her mother Sanam took her to a swimming session for infants. Rosanna proved to be such a natural that now, at the age of two, she can swim without armbands and has even passed her 15-metre test. Last month she became the youngest participant in a charity swim...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Morocco’s Islamist-led government raises taxes on alcohol, cigars

Although alcohol is forbidden (haram) in Islam, Morocco’s moderate Islamist government appears to have found a halal route that allows them to profit from its sale. Caught between soaring prices, low economic growth forecasts, and a harsh drought, the Islamist-led government had decided to increase tax on liquor sales in a step to increase state revenue. The liquor tax has been raised from 10,500 ($1,230) dirham per 100 liters (26.4 gallons) to 15,000 ($1,760) dirhams per 100 liters. The...

Miss Universe Pageant Allows Transgender Women to Compete

Transgender women have notched a key victory in a bid for equality, as the Miss Universe Organization announced today that they will be allowed to compete in its pageants. The move follows a bitter controversy that erupted after transgender Miss Universe Canada hopeful Jenna Talackova was disqualified from competing in her country's pageant for not being a natural-born female. @eonline....

Facebook buying Instagram for $1B

Facebook says it will spend $1 billion to buy the photo-sharing software company Instagram. The deal comes days after the service began offering a version for Android phones.  The payment will be in cash and Facebook stock. Facebook is expected to complete its initial public offering of stock next month. ...

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