Saturday, May 21, 2011

القهوة تقلل خطر الإصابة بسرطان | Coffee reduces risk of cancer

تناول عدة أكواب يوميا من القهوة قد يقلص خطر الموت بسرطان البروستان، حسب دراسة صدرت مؤخرا عبر جامعة هاردف قسم الصحة.

In a report released earlier this week in the online edition of the Journal of the Cancer Institute, a study by the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that men who drink several cups of coffee daily may reduce their risk of dying from prostate cancer.
According to Kathryn M. Wilson, ScD, epidemiologist at Harvard and the study author, men in the study who drank one to three cups of coffee a day had a 30 percent lower risk of lethal prostate cancer. Those who drank six cups a day had a 60 percent lower risk. In this first large study looking specifically at the relationship between coffee and metastatic prostate cancer, Wilson says this is an exciting finding because there aren’t many modifiable risk factors for prostate cancer.
The study was conducted from 1986 to 2006 analyzing almost 48,000 men who reported intake of regular and decaffeinated coffee every four years from 1986. The researchers then calculated the risk for prostate cancer tied to the amount of coffee consumed. During the period of the study, they identified 5,035 cases of prostate cancer, of which 642 were fatal cases in which the cancer was metastatic, meaning that it had spread beyond the original site. After taking into account other lifestyle factors, such as age, smoking, obesity and exercise, the decline in the odds for prostate cancer remained, they said.


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