Sunday, July 2, 2023

Best trip ever

What is the best trip so far for you and why?

For me so far it's 2. One in Corfu, I enjoyed the scenery and the sights. The only negative thing was that I was alone, because we had gone with school and I didn't hang out with any of them. But this gave me the motivation to not be afraid to travel alone in the future. So, it turned out well.

Now, the second best trip was to Thessaloniki for five days with an old classmate of mine and my best friend. It was a nice city, we made endless jokes and created beautiful moments. It didn't inspire me as much as a city and let's say it was Christmas and everything was decorated. But I don't regret visiting this town. Oh and it had HUGE portions of food and I LOVE food!

submitted by /u/Keookia_TheGoose
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