Thursday, July 27, 2023

If you had a spare week in the US alone and wanted to make a road trip out of it, where you you go, and what would you see?

I check out of my hotel in NYC on Sunday and after that, I have absolutely no plans whatsoever between then and flying out of LAX on the night of the 7th. I've done this intentionally, being that I wanted to get out and see a bit of the countryside and scenery, instead of just flying from major city to major city the entire time; as well as avoiding locking in plans in case a hurricane popped up or I changed my mind on where I wanted to go.

However, it's now at that point where I need to at least lock in a start and finish city, so that I can book in a car and a return flight back to LAX when it's needed.

The main trips I've been considering go along the lines of:

  • NYC to Miami
  • NYC to New Orleans
  • Boston to Chicago
  • Miami to Houston (or San Antonio if there's enough time)
  • Miami to New Orleans via Atlanta

Basically 15-20 hour trips, where I'm not just spending half the time driving from destination to destination, and I can spend a couple of days here and there. Plus there's a bit of decent scenery to look at on the way, instead of just cornfields, desert and interstates.

If you were in my position, what would be on your list?

submitted by /u/baconnkegs
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