Sunday, January 14, 2024

Tour Companies for 30+ Year Olds

Hey everyone,

I'm Australian, husband is Norwegian, we live in Norway. We are in our mid-30s and have travelled to many places all over the world. In the last couple years, we've become interested in hiring guides and being led around places, especially places we would find tricky to arrange on our own, such as Africa, Egypt, South America, and so on. I know it's possible to go there independently, but we are drawn to having it all planned by a company and have a local show us around. We have decided to try out small group tours.

We are interested in learning and immersing ourselves in local culture (i.e. we don't necessarily want to do one of those young people party tours). It seems like so many guided tours are either for very young or very old people. Is there anything for people in their 30s? Also, people in their 30s with our passports?

If anyone has any recommendations please share them :)

submitted by /u/ShadowWarning
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