Monday, March 25, 2024

Need advice on a split/Dubrovnik Croatia trip


Hi, so me and 6 other friends are looking to spend about 6 days in Croatia before heading to Italy and I was wondering how we should split up split. We got some pretty big drinkers in the group and are looking to enjoy some good nightlife and obviously the scenery. So initially we are going to land in Zagreb head to plitvice pretty much asap then wake up the next day early to explore plitvice then head to split the same day. So that is 2 days down. Now we really want to explore the different islands like hvar or korcula ( would love some recommendations on that) but I’m just a little confused on how we should do it. Should we have a place on the main island the entire time and ferry to and from an island each day? Or should we spend one day on the main land then 2 days on separate islands on our way to Dubrovnik by ferry. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Impossible_Share9219
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