Sunday, December 29, 2019

Is traveling the world with my savings (~$50k) a good idea?

I saw a similar post in a different subreddit but my situation is a little different.. so I’m currently a 23F teacher (been teaching 2 years) and expect to have $50k saved by the end of this school year (I have $37k now).

I’m planning on switching careers and applying to medical school in Texas this May (2020). The medical school application process is really long in the US so I wouldn’t matriculate into school until August 2021.

I could teach during the 2020-2021 school year and then travel that summer for 2 months ...but I’ve always had this desire to go on a long term trip and travel because I know I won’t have the chance to once I start med school...

Is spending my savings and traveling (if I have an acceptance...fingers crossed lol) irresponsible?? I’ve completely paid off my car and have no student loan debt / any other kind of debt ..I would be missing out on making money that I could use towards paying for medical school, but I guess I kind of want this experience now when I’m young? any advice is appreciated!!

submitted by /u/vivacolombia123
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