Sunday, November 28, 2021

Love to travel but I don't travel well

Hey all,

I'm not sure this is the right place for this, but I thought I'd start here. I'm not a person who travels a ton, but I have taken a few trips over my lifetime. Something I've noticed is that despite my desire to see new places and/or visit family, I don't seem to do well traveling (mentally or physically).

I have no fear of flying, new places, or people. I've camped, been to Europe, and traveled to various states in the US.

However, no matter how excited I am for the trip and how much fun I think I will have, it seems that I always end up feeling awful. And I'm not talking about jet lag. On this last trip I took, the flight was only 2 hours and I stayed in the same time zone. The flight was great. Got to our Airbnb. That was great. By the end of the second day (we were staying 5 days total) I was tired, depressed, homesick, and had no desire to go anywhere or do anything. My last night there before we flew home was the worst. I had a SEVERE panic attack. I also figured out that I must have had the stomach flu. It hit my kid on the second day there, then me a couple of days later, then my husband when he got home.

On other trips we've had we haven't had the stomach flu, but the other symptoms I've had are always the same: The day we fly in I'm fine. Second day I'm good. Third day I hit a wall. That's when the depression, fatigue, homesickness, and panic sets in.

To answer a few questions, yes I drink enough water, my bowels do fine with travel, I make sure to get enough sleep.

I have complex PTSD that I'm on meds for (and I am and was taking them). I also have a very highly sensitive nervous system--I'm an HSP (highly sensitive person) if anyone knows what that is. I'm wondering if it's just all too much for my little body to process?

I was trying to think of the last trip I took that I didn't feel like this and it was literally a turn-around trip. I flew in for a wedding. I flew in on day one. Stayed for the wedding on day two. Flew out on day 3 and was fine. It seems to be anything longer than this and I'm screwed. I've heard of travel fatigue and am wondering if that's what it is.

In my normal day-to-day life when not traveling, I'm a perfectly fine, happy-go-lucky, positive, healthy person. I'm so confused why my body seems to react this way when I travel.

Thanks for any insight or help anyone can provide. <3

submitted by /u/you_are_marvelous
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