Friday, April 14, 2023

10 day travel itinerary Costa rica

My family and I are planning a trip to Costa Rica. This is mid to end June.

Major thing I am worried about is it being the rainy season. I haven’t book my tickets yet just because of. I really want to enjoy the beaches more than anything. I think we only want to do 2 places and stay there for most of the time. We plan to fly in and out of San Jose. We are also looking for a location/beach where we can also do scuba-diving mainly but as a compromise snorkeling. We also want to do white water rafting and do a some exploration but mainly we want a relaxed trip where we aren’t hurried on time and enjoy the things we do end up doing. I am not sure what/where we should go. I have read a few reddit posts but none seem to match on what we should plan. Also RT ticket is around $700 so please tell me if its worth it.

PS: We all are above 18 so we don’t have small kids.

submitted by /u/AbbreviationsOk6074
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